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History of the Holy Spirit Church

The the Holy Spirit Church, the current parish church, was begun in the late 15th century. It was built by a Catholic begging order, which only came to Denmark quite late in the Middle Ages, where they built a total of five monasteries. Before the Holy Spirit brothers settled in Faaborg, the city had a Holy Spirit house where old, sick and poor could get help.

In 1477 the monastery was founded in Faaborg, and on March 14th of 1478 it was approved by the pope in Rome. The church appears today as a large and beautiful church with monastic chairs from Catholic times. The old baptismal font of granite is from the Middle Ages, and a Catholic cupboard from the late Middle Ages has been transferred from the first Sct. Nicolai Church.

The original altarpiece of the Holy Spirit Church from 1511 is now found at the National Museum in Copenhagen and is a treasure from this time. The current altarpiece is from 1855 and painted by Vilhelm Marstrand. The organ has 34 voices and is from 1979. The church is yellowwashed and has no tower, but a chipboard equestrian spire.


Adults: DKK 30

Children (under 12): Free accompanied by adult


If you have a ticket from the Syd Fyenske Veteranjernbane: DKK 25

Our ticket also gives a rebate at the Syd Fyenske Veteranjernbane.

Opening hours

Date Days Opening hours
May 9th Opening day, 2024, Ascension Day 10-16
May 9th - June 23rd Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday 10-16
June 24th - August 28th All days 10-16
August 29th- September 29th Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday 10-16
October 12th - October 20th All days, autumn vacation days 10-16
October 15th, October 17th, and October 26th Co-builder days for children and young-at-hearts
Price DKK 30


Faaborg MiniBy

Diernæsvej 2
5600 Faaborg

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